Are you aware that Kōtuku ki te Rangi is for everyone?
Kia ora koutou
Māori know the white heron, the bird that ascends to the heavens, as Kōtuku ki te Rangi. This bird is a taonga (treasure) for Māori because it signifies truth, purity, aspirations and hope. Kotuku ki te Rangi was chosen by our whānau (family) to remind us that we can aspire to anything if we set our sights high. Our rangatahi (younger generation) must be encouraged to follow their aspirations. With support from our whānau roopu (family groups), anything is possible!
Kōtuku ki te Rangi is a group of whānau members who have joined together to support our tamariki (children) at Whangārei Boys’ High School (WBHS) to succeed both academically and culturally. Our roopu assists the School to prioritise powerful and effective student achievement outcomes for our tamariki Māori, to engender excellent relationships and communication between the School and whānau, and to ensure our whānau voice is heard and our language, culture and identity are acknowledged and valued.
We meet every second Tuesday of the month in the staff room at WBHS at 5:30pm.
Ka mate kāinga tahi, ka ora kāinga rua. There is more than one way to achieve an objective.
Contact: [email protected]