Handy Hints Guide
Print out the Handy Hints Guide and keep in a safe place for quick reference.
Website: www.wbhs.school.nz Please check our website regularly for Notices, Newsletters, and information. The Kamar portal (Student Information Management System) can be accessed through the website. Use this to check your son’s attendance, progress, etc. Please contact the main front reception area if you require assistance.
Important Phone Numbers
Student Centre: (09) 430-4170 ext 214
Absences, messages for your son, etc. Please leave a message on voicemail. These are regularly cleared.
Main Front Reception area: (09) 430-4170 General /Account enquiries – Receivable (Student Fees) [email protected] or Payable: [email protected]
Enrolment Officer: (09) 430-4170 ext 212 [email protected] for enrolment enquiries
Health Centre – Te Awatea: (09) 430-4170 ext 215 Receptionist Mrs Treena Shrimpton, [email protected]
The School Day
Whānau Class
During whānau time information is relayed from the Daily Notices and important dates are advised. Students are encouraged to approach their Whānau teacher in the first instance if they have any concerns.
Please refer to the Prospectus for the correct school uniform. The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) sells second hand uniforms in good condition. Contact Rachel Thornton (Deputy Principal) ph 430 4170 ext 204.
Your son must have a Pass issued by the Student Centre for not wearing the correct uniform. This will only be given for valid reasons and must be supported by a note from his parent or caregiver.
Late to School
If your son arrives after Period 1 has commenced he must go to the Student Centre to receive a Late Pass before going to class.
His Whānau teacher will contact you for an explanation if your son does not bring a note to school explaining why he is/was late.
Medical / Dental appointments
While it is in the best interests of your son’s education to arrange medical or dental appointments outside school hours, we understand this may not always happen. If your son has to attend an appointment during the school day, please issue him with a note to take to the Student Centre. A Pass will be prepared for him to collect at either interval or lunch. This pass will allow him to leave class at the allotted time. He is then required to report back to the Student Centre on his return.
If your son is too ill to attend school you will need phone and report his absence to the Student Centre (09) 430-4170 ext 214. Please follow this up with a written note on his return. Texts and emails are automatically sent out at 10:30am every morning to alert you if your son is not at school.
Change of Address or Circumstances
Please advise the Enrolment Officer if your family circumstances change, you move house, change jobs, or change your email address. This will ensure we have up-to-date details in case of an emergency.
Champion Tuckshops (Libelle Group) is teaming up with the Heart Foundation Fuelled4life, the Diabetes Projects Trust and BioPak, to bring a fresh made approved and eco-friendly packaged menu – Eat Smart. The Eat Smart menu features nutritionally, value-for-money balanced meals designed by a team of nutritionists for Kiwi school kids, so they have the right fuel to learn! Digital online ordering platform is available on the following link.
Taking your son out of class
If you are aware in advance that your son will need to leave school early, please provide him with a note to take to the Student Centre in order for him to get a Pass.
Whilst we try to accommodate every request, please note that it is not always possible at short notice to get a message to your son. As we do not have an inter-communication system operating between the office and classrooms, it could mean a staff member has to go and find him. Generally, after 2:50pm it is virtually impossible to do this as staff are at their busiest towards the end of the day. A phone is available in the Student Centre for students to make local calls.
Calls to cellphones cost 50c.
Bus Enquiries
On the first day of the school year all new students who travel on school buses receive bus information. The Bus Controller is Mrs Rachel Thornton who may be contacted on (09) 430-4170 ext 204, or by email at [email protected]
Health Centre and Guidance Counsellor
Te Awatea means ‘bright pathway.’ It is in place to assist students in making positive decisions around health and wellbeing. Staff include Mrs Treena Shrimpton (Te Awatea Admin Assistant), and Doug Gibbs (Guidance Counsellor/Head of Student Support). Te Awatea is about welcoming caregivers and whānau to work together with us for the benefit of our students throughout their school years.
To make an appointment with a counsellor, book through Mrs Shrimpton on (09) 430-4170 ex 215 or email [email protected]
Social Worker
The school has a full-time Social Worker, Susan da Silva (email [email protected]), who is available to work with Whānau and students to meet their needs both within and outside of the school environment.
Inclusive Learning
Our Inclusive Learning Department provides a safe, supportive, student-centred environment. Progresses the learning of each student within the faculty by resourcing, planning, and delivering learning appropriate to the students’ needs. We maintain positive relationships with the student, their whānau, and any additional service providers working with them. Laura du Preez is our Head of Inclusive Learning she can be contacted via email at [email protected]
Payment of Accounts
We endeavour to send out accounts within the first week of each month. Payment instructions are noted on the statements. If your son is making the payment to the front reception area, please ensure it is in a sealed envelope with his name on the outside and what you are paying for.
We have an Eftpos machine in the Main Office and this may be used for payment of accounts or trips, etc. We do not give out cash on Eftpos cards.
Behaviour Management
The school is a Restorative Practice organisation. A range of measures may be engaged for behavioural issues depending on their degree of seriousness. Minor issues will usually be dealt with by general teaching staff. On occasion, students may be required to carry out Community Service after school hours. Parents will be advised in advance when this is required. For very serious incidents your son may be given a Stand Down, meaning he would be sent home (you will be contacted to collect him) for up to 5 days a term or a maximum of 10 days per year. Once this has been exceeded (or for very serious offences) he could be suspended to the Board of Trustees.
Leaving School
If your son wishes to transfer to a new school or leave to start a training course or apprenticeship he must complete a Clearance form. This is signed off by the Main Office (to check fees), the Library (to check overdue Library/Text books), his Dean, and all his teachers. Once completed, he should return the form to the Main Office. His name can then be removed from the roll. If he is not enrolling at a new school he will be issued with a Leaving Certificate (providing fees are paid and all books returned). If your son is under 16 you must apply for an exemption for him from the Ministry of Education.
BYOD – 2024 (Bring your own Device)
WBHS is a fully WIFI-capable campus, with ultra-fast broadband throughout. Boys are encouraged to bring their own device to school and may use them at the teacher’s discretion during classes. If the devices are used at times other than when directed by the teacher, they will be confiscated.
Confiscation of Items
If your son has items confiscated e.g. incorrect uniform, these will be given to the Deans or a member of the Senior Leadership Team. Your son will need to call to the Deans/Student Centre office on the following Friday at the end of the school day to have the item returned
The Library is situated on the left hand side of the front reception area and is managed by Mrs Dee Brooker. Opening hours are 8:00am to 3:30pm. The library holds 10,000 print books, over 150 e-books and a large collection of graphic novels. Library promotions are run every term.
Your son may borrow three books at a time. If a book is not returned or has been lost you will receive an account for the replacement cost.
PTA (Parent Teacher Association)
The PTA meetings are held on site and via zoom during the year and new members are always welcome.
Information regarding these meetings will be communicated through the school.
Any enquires [email protected]
Contact details:
2nd hand uniform contact is Mrs Thornton (Deputy Principal) [email protected]
Kōtuku ki te Rangi (Māori Parent Hui)
The Māori Parent Hui meets every month in the Staffroom. It provides a forum for parents of our Māori students to meet and discuss matters which impact on improving educational outcomes. Those interested in attending should make contact through the enquiries email – [email protected]