Contact Info


245 Western Hills Drive, Avenues, Whangārei 0110
Mailing Address: PO Box 5034, Whangārei 0140

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Key Contacts

Student Centre:

Direct dial  430 4170 ext. 214
Absences, messages for your son etc.  Please leave a message on the voice mail as these are cleared regularly.


430 4170 ext. 211
Accounts Payable / [email protected]

Accounts Receivable (Student fees) / [email protected]

General Enquiries:

430 4170

[email protected]

International Department:

[email protected]

Enrolment Officer:

430 4170 ext 212

[email protected]  for any enrolment enquiries

Wellness Centre (Te Awatea):

430 4170 ext 215

Receptionist Mrs Treena Shrimpton, [email protected]

Board of Trustees:

[email protected]

Departmental Contacts

To email our staff use firstinitial(dot)[email protected]  eg: [email protected]

Art Vanessa Luders
Drama Fiona Churcher
Careers & Transition Bronwyn Jenkins
Curriculum Leader Geography Suzi Connor
Curriculum Leader Y9 & Y10 Social Studies Lisa Ross
Curriculum Leader Junior Commerce/Economics Kirsty Price
Curriculum Leader Psychology David Moore
Faculty Leader – Senior Social Sciences Ritchie Burrows
Curriculum Leader History/Classics Ritchie Burrows
Curriculum Leader Business Studies Kirsty Price
Curriculum Leader Accounting Paula Horsley
Curriculum Leader – Pathways to Work Liane Cook
Computing Josh Clark
Design Technology Iain Haynes
English Debra Williamson/
Kristin Trimmer
ESOL Melanie Dalgleish
Graphics Iain Haynes
Guidance Doug Gibbs
Health Jamie Batchelor
Languages Debra Williamson/
Kristin Trimmer
Library Rose Murphy
Māori Willie Cooper
Mathematics Sarah Batley/Lara Shore
Music Ginny Hill
Outdoor Education Trevor Attwood
Photography Vanessa Luders
Physical Education Pavel Tyslic
Science Felicity Barton
SENCo Laura du Preez
Sports Co-ordinator Mark Oldridge
Faculty Leader – Junior Social Sciences
Faculty Leader – Senior Social Sciences
Lisa Ross
Ritchie Burrows
Inclusive Learning Laura du Preez

Year Level Deans

Yr 9 Ginny Hill/Tiritaa Te Whata
Yr 10  Liane Cook/Vanessa Luders
Yr 11 Tom Peyton/Alexandra Sergeant
Yr 12 Samantha Penney/Kevin James
Y13 Linda Bourke-Heerikhuisen/Peter Cook
Director of International Students Lyn Swan

Head of Faculty

Arts Ginny Hill
Health / Physical Education/
Outdoor Education
Tom Peyton
English/Languages Debra Williamson/Kristin Trimmer
Inclusive Learning Laura du Preez
Mathematics Sarah Batley/Lara Shore
Science Felicity Barton
Senior Social Sciences Ritchie Burrows
Junior Social Sciences Lisa Ross
Technology Iain Haynes